Phone Number08045478505

Company Profile

Dia Chemie, a renowned supplier of a wide range of chemical products that are highly required in healthcare, pharmaceuticals, industrial and laboratory purposes. Serving since 1968, we have created a legacy in the industry of chemical products manufacturing by constantly upgrading the quality of products that are being served in the market. Based in Mumbai (Maharashtra, India), we have been consistently fulfilling the market requirements for a range of Solvents Chemical, Pharmaceutical Intermediates, Bulk Drugs, ISO Butanols, etc. For years, we have been connected with some of the most major vendors across the world from who we have been efficiently procuring our qualitative products and serving it to our valued customers. This way, we have sustained our dignified position in the industry.

Key Facts of Dia Chemie:

Nature of Business

Importer, Wholesaler, Distributor, Supplier and Trader


Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

Year of Establishment


Company Branches


No. of Employees


Importers/Exporters Code


We accept only bulk quantity orders.
trade india member
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